pub unsafe extern "C" fn WasmEdge_VMExecuteRegistered(
    Cxt: *mut WasmEdge_VMContext,
    ModuleName: WasmEdge_String,
    FuncName: WasmEdge_String,
    Params: *const WasmEdge_Value,
    ParamLen: u32,
    Returns: *mut WasmEdge_Value,
    ReturnLen: u32
) -> WasmEdge_Result
Expand description

Invoke a WASM function by its module name and function name.

After registering a WASM module in the VM context, you can repeatedly call this function to invoke exported WASM functions by their module names and function names until the VM context is reset. If the Returns buffer length is smaller than the arity of the function, the overflowed return values will be discarded.

This function is thread-safe.

\param Cxt the WasmEdge_VMContext. \param ModuleName the module name WasmEdge_String. \param FuncName the function name WasmEdge_String. \param Params the WasmEdge_Value buffer with the parameter values. \param ParamLen the parameter buffer length. \param [out] Returns the WasmEdge_Value buffer to fill the return values. \param ReturnLen the return buffer length.

\returns WasmEdge_Result. Call WasmEdge_ResultGetMessage for the error message.