Crate wasmedge_types

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The wasmedge-types crate defines a group of common data structures used by both wasmedge-sdk and wasmedge-sys crates.

See also


Defines WasmEdge error types.


Struct of WasmEdge FuncType.
Struct of WasmEdge GlobalType.
Struct of WasmEdge MemoryType.
Struct of WasmEdge TableType.


Defines WasmEdge AOT compiler optimization level.
Defines WasmEdge AOT compiler output binary format.
Defines the type of external WasmEdge instances.
Defines WasmEdge host module registration enum.
Defines the mutability property of WasmEdge Global variables.
Defines WasmEdge reference types.
Defines WasmEdge value types.


Parses in-memory bytes as either the WebAssembly Text format, or a binary WebAssembly module. Parses in-memory bytes as either the WebAssembly Text format, or a binary WebAssembly module.

Type Definitions

The WasmEdge result type.