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//! Defines WasmEdge Statistics struct.
use crate::WasmEdgeResult;
use wasmedge_sys as sys;
/// Used to collect statistics of the WasmEdge runtime, such as the count of instructions in execution.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Statistics {
pub(crate) inner: sys::Statistics,
impl Statistics {
/// Creates a new [Statistics].
/// # Error
/// If fail to create a [Statistics], then an error is returned.
pub fn new() -> WasmEdgeResult<Self> {
let inner = sys::Statistics::create()?;
Ok(Self { inner })
/// Returns the instruction count in execution.
pub fn count(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the instruction count per second in execution.
/// # Notice
/// For the following cases,
/// - [Statistics] is not enabled, or
/// - the total execution time is 0
/// The instructions per second could be `NaN`, which represents `divided-by-zero`.
/// Use the `is_nan` function of F64 to check the return value before use it,
/// for example,
/// ```
/// use wasmedge_sdk::Statistics;
/// // create a Statistics instance
/// let stat = Statistics::new().expect("fail to create a Statistics");
/// // check instruction count per second
/// assert!(stat.count_per_second().is_nan());
/// ```
pub fn count_per_second(&self) -> f64 {
/// Returns the total cost in execution.
pub fn cost(&self) -> u64 {
/// Sets the cost of instructions.
/// # Arguments
/// - `cost_table` specifies the slice of cost table.
pub fn set_cost_table(&mut self, cost_table: impl AsRef<[u64]>) {
/// Sets the cost limit in execution.
/// # Arguments
/// - `limit` specifies the cost limit.
pub fn set_cost_limit(&mut self, limit: u64) {