1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
html_logo_url = "https://github.com/cncf/artwork/blob/master/projects/wasm-edge-runtime/icon/color/wasm-edge-runtime-icon-color.png?raw=true",
html_favicon_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/artwork/49169bdbc88a7ce3c4a722c641cc2d548bd5c340/projects/wasm-edge-runtime/icon/color/wasm-edge-runtime-icon-color.svg"
//! # Overview
//! The [wasmedge-sys](https://crates.io/crates/wasmedge-sys) crate defines a group of low-level Rust APIs for WasmEdge, a light-weight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud-native, edge, and decentralized applications.
//! For developers, it is strongly recommended that the APIs in `wasmedge-sys` are used to construct high-level libraries, while `wasmedge-sdk` is for building up business applications.
//! * Notice that [wasmedge-sys](https://crates.io/crates/wasmedge-sys) requires **Rust v1.71 or above** in the **stable** channel.
//! ## Build
//! To use or build the `wasmedge-sys` crate, the `WasmEdge` library is required. Please refer to [WasmEdge Installation and Uninstallation](https://wasmedge.org/book/en/quick_start/install.html) to install the `WasmEdge` library.
//! * The following table provides the versioning information about each crate of WasmEdge Rust bindings.
//! | wasmedge-sdk | WasmEdge lib | wasmedge-sys | wasmedge-types| wasmedge-macro| async-wasi|
//! | :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------: | :-----------: | :-------: |
//! | 0.14.0+ | 0.14.1 | 0.19.3 | 0.6.0 | 0.6.1 | 0.2.1 |
//! | 0.14.0+ | 0.14.0 | 0.19.2 | 0.6.0 | 0.6.1 | 0.2.1 |
//! | 0.13.2 | 0.13.5 | 0.17.5 | 0.4.4 | 0.6.1 | 0.1.0 |
//! | 0.13.1 | 0.13.5 | 0.17.4 | 0.4.4 | 0.6.1 | 0.1.0 |
//! | 0.13.0 | 0.13.5 | 0.17.3 | 0.4.4 | 0.6.1 | 0.1.0 |
//! | 0.12.2 | 0.13.4 | 0.17.2 | 0.4.4 | 0.6.1 | 0.1.0 |
//! | 0.12.1 | 0.13.4 | 0.17.1 | 0.4.4 | 0.6.1 | 0.1.0 |
//! | 0.12.0 | 0.13.4 | 0.17.0 | 0.4.4 | 0.6.1 | 0.1.0 |
//! | 0.11.2 | 0.13.3 | 0.16.2 | 0.4.3 | 0.6.1 | 0.1.0 |
//! | 0.11.0 | 0.13.3 | 0.16.0 | 0.4.3 | 0.6.0 | 0.0.3 |
//! | 0.10.1 | 0.13.3 | 0.15.1 | 0.4.2 | 0.5.0 | 0.0.2 |
//! | 0.10.0 | 0.13.2 | 0.15.0 | 0.4.2 | 0.5.0 | 0.0.2 |
//! | 0.9.0 | 0.13.1 | 0.14.0 | 0.4.2 | 0.4.0 | 0.0.1 |
//! | 0.9.0 | 0.13.0 | 0.14.0 | 0.4.2 | 0.4.0 | 0.0.1 |
//! | 0.8.1 | 0.12.1 | 0.13.1 | 0.4.1 | 0.3.0 | - |
//! | 0.8.0 | 0.12.0 | 0.13.0 | 0.4.1 | 0.3.0 | - |
//! | 0.7.1 | 0.11.2 | 0.12.2 | 0.3.1 | 0.3.0 | - |
//! | 0.7.0 | 0.11.2 | 0.12 | 0.3.1 | 0.3.0 | - |
//! | 0.6.0 | 0.11.2 | 0.11 | 0.3.0 | 0.2.0 | - |
//! | 0.5.0 | 0.11.1 | 0.10 | 0.3.0 | 0.1.0 | - |
//! | 0.4.0 | 0.11.0 | 0.9 | 0.2.1 | - | - |
//! | 0.3.0 | 0.10.1 | 0.8 | 0.2 | - | - |
//! | 0.1.0 | 0.10.0 | 0.7 | 0.1 | - | - |
//! ## API Reference
//! * [wasmedge-sys API Reference](https://wasmedge.github.io/wasmedge-rust-sdk/wasmedge_sys/index.html)
//! * [wasmedge-sys Async API Reference](https://second-state.github.io/wasmedge-async-rust-sdk/wasmedge_sys/index.html)
//! ## See also
//! * [WasmEdge Runtime Official Website](https://wasmedge.org/)
//! * [WasmEdge Docs](https://wasmedge.org/book/en/)
//! * [WasmEdge C API Documentation](https://github.com/WasmEdge/WasmEdge/blob/master/docs/c_api.md)
#![deny(rust_2018_idioms, unreachable_pub)]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
/// Foreign function interfaces generated from WasmEdge C-API.
pub mod ffi {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/wasmedge.rs"));
pub mod ast_module;
#[cfg(all(feature = "async", target_os = "linux"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "async", target_os = "linux"))))]
pub mod r#async;
#[cfg(feature = "aot")]
pub mod compiler;
pub mod config;
pub mod executor;
pub mod frame;
pub mod instance;
pub mod io;
pub mod loader;
pub mod plugin;
pub mod statistics;
pub mod store;
pub mod types;
pub mod utils;
pub mod validator;
pub use ast_module::{ExportType, ImportType, Module};
#[cfg(feature = "aot")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "aot")))]
pub use compiler::Compiler;
pub use config::Config;
pub use executor::Executor;
pub use frame::CallingFrame;
pub use instance::module::WasiModule;
pub use instance::{
function::{FuncRef, Function, SyncFn},
module::{AsInstance, ImportModule, Instance},
FuncType, GlobalType, MemoryType, TableType,
pub use loader::Loader;
pub use statistics::Statistics;
pub use store::Store;
pub use types::WasmValue;
pub use validator::Validator;
use wasmedge_types::WasmEdgeResult;
/// Type of wasi context that is used to configure the wasi environment.
#[cfg(all(feature = "async", target_os = "linux"))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(all(feature = "async", target_os = "linux"))))]
pub type WasiCtx = ::async_wasi::snapshots::WasiCtx;