Expand description
Foreign function interfaces generated from WasmEdge C-API.
- WasmEdge bytes struct.
- Struct of WASM limit.
- Module descriptor for plugins.
- Plugin descriptor for plugins.
- Version data for plugins.
- Program option for plugins.
- WasmEdge result struct.
- WasmEdge string struct.
- WasmEdge WASM value type struct.
- WasmEdge WASM value struct.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- No option value.
- WasmEdge_String.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Boolean value.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_ASTModuleContext.
- List the exports of the AST module.
- Get the length of exports list of the AST module.
- List the imports of the AST module.
- Get the length of imports list of the AST module.
- Cancel a WasmEdge_Async execution.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_Async.
- Wait and get the result of WasmEdge_Async execution.
- Wait and get the return list length of the WasmEdge_Async execution.
- Wait a WasmEdge_Async execution.
- Wait a WasmEdge_Async execution with timeout.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_Bytes with the buffer and its length.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_Bytes.
- Create the WasmEdge_Bytes wraps to the buffer.
- Get the executor context from the current calling frame.
- Get the memory instance by index from the module instance of the current calling frame.
- Get the module instance of the current calling frame.
- Compile the input WASM from the file path.
- Compile the input WASM from the given buffer.
- Compile the input WASM from a WasmEdge_Bytes.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_CompilerContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_CompilerContext.
- Add a built-in host registration setting into WasmEdge_ConfigureContext.
- Add a proposal setting into the WasmEdge_ConfigureContext.
- Get the optimization level of the AOT compiler.
- Get the output binary format of the AOT compiler.
- Get the dump IR option of the AOT compiler.
- Get the generic binary option of the AOT compiler.
- Get the interruptible option of the AOT compiler.
- Set the dump IR option of the AOT compiler.
- Set the generic binary option of the AOT compiler.
- Set the interruptible option of the AOT compiler.
- Set the optimization level of the AOT compiler.
- Set the output binary format of the AOT compiler.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_ConfigureContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_ConfigureContext.
- Get the setting of the page limit of memory instances.
- Check if a built-in host registration setting exists in the WasmEdge_ConfigureContext or not.
- Check if a proposal setting exists in the WasmEdge_ConfigureContext or not.
- Get the AllowAFUNIX option.
- Get the force interpreter mode execution option.
- Remove a built-in host registration setting in the WasmEdge_ConfigureContext.
- Remove a proposal setting in the WasmEdge_ConfigureContext.
- Set the option of enabling/disabling AF_UNIX support in the WASI socket.
- Set the force interpreter mode execution option.
- Set the page limit of memory instances.
- Get the cost measuring option for the statistics.
- Get the instruction counting option for the statistics.
- Get the time measuring option for the statistics.
- Set the cost measuring option for the statistics.
- Set the instruction counting option for the statistics.
- Set the time measuring option for the statistics.
- Entrypoint for the compiler tool.
- Entrypoint for the runtime tool.
- Entrypoint for the unified tool.
- Asynchronous invoke a WASM function by the function instance.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_ExecutorContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_ExecutorContext.
- Register a host function that will be invoked after executing any host functions.
- Register a host function that will be invoked before executing any host functions.
- Instantiate an AST Module into a module instance.
- Invoke a WASM function by the function instance.
- Instantiate an AST Module into a named module instance and link into store.
- Register a module instance into a store with exporting its module name.
- Get the external name from an export type.
- Get the external type from an export type.
- Get the external value (which is function type) from an export type.
- Get the external value (which is global type) from an export type.
- Get the external value (which is memory type) from an export type.
- Get the external value (which is table type) from an export type.
- Get the external value (which is tag type) from an export type.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_FunctionInstanceContext for host functions.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_FunctionInstanceContext for host functions.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_FunctionInstanceContext.
- Get the function data field of the function instance.
- Get the function type context of the function instance.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_FunctionTypeContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_FunctionTypeContext.
- Get the parameter types list from the WasmEdge_FunctionTypeContext.
- Get the parameter types list length from the WasmEdge_FunctionTypeContext.
- Get the return types list from the WasmEdge_FunctionTypeContext.
- Get the return types list length from the WasmEdge_FunctionTypeContext.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_GlobalInstanceContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_GlobalInstanceContext.
- Get the global type context from a global instance.
- Get the value from a global instance.
- Set the value into a global instance.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_GlobalTypeContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_GlobalTypeContext.
- Get the mutability from a global type.
- Get the value type from a global type.
- Get the external name from an import type.
- Get the external type from an import type.
- Get the external value (which is function type) from an import type.
- Get the external value (which is global type) from an import type.
- Get the external value (which is memory type) from an import type.
- Get the module name from an import type.
- Get the external value (which is table type) from an import type.
- Get the external value (which is tag type) from an import type.
- Compare the two WasmEdge_Limit objects.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_LoaderContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_LoaderContext.
- Load and parse the WASM module from a buffer into WasmEdge_ASTModuleContext.
- Load and parse the WASM module from a WasmEdge_Bytes into WasmEdge_ASTModuleContext.
- Load and parse the WASM module from a WASM file into a WasmEdge_ASTModuleContext.
- Serialize the WasmEdge_ASTModuleContext into WASM binary.
- Set the logging system off.
- Set the logging system to filter to debug level.
- Set the logging system to filter to error level.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_MemoryInstanceContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_MemoryInstanceContext.
- Copy the data to the output buffer from a memory instance.
- Get the memory type context from a memory instance.
- Get the current page size (64 KiB of each page) of a memory instance.
- Get the data pointer in a memory instance.
- Get the const data pointer in a const memory instance.
- Grow a memory instance with a page size.
- Copy the data into a memory instance from the input buffer.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_MemoryTypeContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_MemoryTypeContext.
- Get the limit from a memory type.
- Add a function instance context into a WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext.
- Add a global instance context into a WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext.
- Add a memory instance context into a WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext.
- Add a table instance context into a WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext for the WASI specification.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext with host data.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext.
- Get the exported function instance context of a module instance.
- Get the exported global instance context of a module instance.
- Get the exported memory instance context of a module instance.
- Get the exported table instance context of a module instance.
- Get the exported tag instance context of a module instance.
- Get the host data set into the module instance when creating.
- Get the export module name of a module instance.
- Initialize the WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext for the WASI specification.
- Initialize the WasmEdge_ModuleInstanceContext for the wasmedge_process specification.
- List the exported function names of a module instance.
- Get the length of exported function list of a module instance.
- List the exported global names of a module instance.
- Get the length of exported global list of a module instance.
- List the exported memory names of a module instance.
- Get the length of exported memory list of a module instance.
- List the exported table names of a module instance.
- Get the length of exported table list of a module instance.
- List the exported tag names of a module instance.
- Get the length of exported tag list of a module instance.
- Get the WASI exit code.
- Get the native handler from the WASI mapped FD/Handler.
- Create the module instance in the plug-in by the module name.
- Find the loaded plug-in context by name.
- Get the plug-in name of the plug-in context.
- Initialize the wasi_nn plug-in.
- List the modules in the plug-in context with their names.
- Get the length of module list in the plug-in context.
- List the loaded plug-ins with their names.
- Get the length of loaded plug-in list.
- Load the plugin with the given file or directory.
- Load plugins with the default search paths.
- Implement by plugins for returning the plugin descriptor.
- Generate the result with code.
- Get the error category.
- Get the result code.
- Get the result message.
- Check the result is a success or not.
- Clear all data in the WasmEdge_StatisticsContext.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_StatisticsContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_StatisticsContext.
- Get the instruction count in execution.
- Get the instruction count per second in execution.
- Get the total cost in execution.
- Set the cost limit in execution.
- Set the costs of instructions.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_StoreContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_StoreContext.
- Get the module instance context by the module name.
- List the registered module names.
- Get the length of registered module list in store.
- Copy the content of WasmEdge_String object to the buffer.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_String with the buffer and its length.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_String with the C string.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_String.
- Compare the two WasmEdge_String objects.
- Create the WasmEdge_String wraps to the buffer.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_TableInstanceContext.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_TableInstanceContext with the default init value.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_TableInstanceContext.
- Get the reference value in a table instance.
- Get the size of a table instance.
- Get the table type context from a table instance.
- Grow a table instance with a size.
- Set the reference value into a table instance.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_TableTypeContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_TableTypeContext.
- Get the limit from a table type.
- Get the reference type from a table type.
- Get the tag type context from a tag instance.
- Get the function type from a tag type.
- Asynchronous invoke a WASM function by name.
- Asynchronous invoke a WASM function by its module name and function name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a WasmEdge AST Module and asynchronous invoke a function by name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a buffer and asynchronous invoke a function by name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a WasmEdge_Bytes and asynchronous invoke a function by name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a WASM file and asynchronous invoke a function by name.
- Reset of WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Invoke a WASM function by name.
- Invoke a WASM function by its module name and function name.
- Get the current instantiated module in VM.
- Get the executor context used in the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Get the exported function list.
- Get the length of exported function list.
- Get the function type by function name.
- Get the function type by function name.
- Get the module instance corresponding to the WasmEdge_HostRegistration settings.
- Get the loader context used in the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Get the registered module in VM by the module name.
- Get the statistics context used in the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Get the store context used in the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Get the validator context used in the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Instantiate the validated WASM module in the VM context.
- List the registered module names in the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Get the length of registered module list in the WasmEdge_VMContext.
- Load the WASM module from loaded WasmEdge AST Module.
- Load the WASM module from a buffer.
- Load the WASM module from a WasmEdge_Bytes.
- Load the WASM module from a WASM file.
- Instantiate and register an AST Module into a named module instance in VM.
- Register and instantiate WASM into the store in VM from a buffer.
- Register and instantiate WASM into the store in VM from a WasmEdge_Bytes.
- Register and instantiate WASM into the store in VM from a WASM file.
- Register a module instance into the store in VM with exporting its module name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a WasmEdge AST Module and invoke a function by name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a buffer and invoke a function by name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a WasmEdge_Bytes and invoke a function by name.
- Instantiate the WASM module from a WASM file and invoke a function by name.
- Validate the WASM module loaded into the VM context.
- Generate the ExternRef WASM value type.
- Generate the F32 WASM value type.
- Generate the F64 WASM value type.
- Generate the FuncRef WASM value type.
- Generate the I32 WASM value type.
- Generate the I64 WASM value type.
- Generate the V128 WASM value type.
- Compare the two WasmEdge_ValType objects.
- Specify the WASM value type is an ExternRef or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is a F32 or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is a F64 or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is a FuncRef or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is an I32 or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is an I64 or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is a Ref (includes nullable and non-nullable) or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is a nullable Ref or not.
- Specify the WASM value type is a V128 or not.
- Creation of the WasmEdge_ValidatorContext.
- Deletion of the WasmEdge_ValidatorContext.
- Validate the WasmEdge AST Module.
- Generate the function reference WASM value.
- Generate the F32 WASM value.
- Generate the F64 WASM value.
- Generate the function reference WASM value.
- Generate the I32 WASM value.
- Generate the I64 WASM value.
- Generate the V128 WASM value.
- Retrieve the external reference from the WASM value.
- Retrieve the F32 value from the WASM value.
- Retrieve the F64 value from the WASM value.
- Retrieve the function instance context from the WASM value.
- Retrieve the I32 value from the WASM value.
- Retrieve the I64 value from the WASM value.
- Retrieve the V128 value from the WASM value.
- Specify the WASM value is a null reference or not.
- Get the version string of the WasmEdge C API.
- Get the major version value of the WasmEdge C API.
- Get the minor version value of the WasmEdge C API.
- Get the patch version value of the WasmEdge C API.
Type Aliases§
- Type of option value.